WhatsApp on Tuesday launched the video calling feature for its Indian users. The feature was already available for beta users since early October.
WhatsApp India's business head Neeraj Arora announced that the chat app has now more than 160 million monthly active users making India the largest market for WhatsApp. "India is the biggest country we have- more users than any other country in the world," Arora told Economic Times. "Video calling is a big step forward. It is in line with our mission- we want to make sure we give every possible way for people to stay in touch with their families and friends. Video calling is the most immersive and something that makes you feel really close to somebody else."
To use the new feature, WhatsApp users can get on the call button in the top right corner of a conversation, which will bring up an overlaid method asking if you want to voice or video call the friend or family member you’re chatting with. To open the video call, you simply select the “video call” option from this screen. During the call itself, you can switch between the forward-facing and rear camera, mute the call or press the red button to hang up.
With video calling, WhatsApp is belatedly overtaking with a number of rivals, including Facebook’s own Messenger app, for example, as well as Skype, Apple’s FaceTime, Viber, LINE and Google’s recently launched Duo, to name a few.
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